What are your credentials?

My credential abbreviation is “MOTR/L” which stands for, “Masters of Occupational Therapy”, “Registered”, and “Licensed”. This means I have earned a master’s degree from an institutional occupational therapy program (MOT). Registered means I have passed a national board certification examination that certifies I have the necessary knowledge of occupational therapy to practice, and I continue this commitment by renewing my certification every 3 years with continuing education. Licensed means I am licensed to practice in certain states (California and and Massachusetts). You can verify my national board certification credential here:

How do I get started?

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Aya will assess your needs before either moving forward with an evaluation or referring you to a different specialist.

Do you accept insurance?

Aya does not directly accept Japanese National Health Insurance nor U.S. health insurance. She can provide you an invoice, which you may submit to your health insurance company for possible reimbursement.

Does my child need occupational therapy?

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s • fine motor, visual motor, or sensory processing development, • ability to complete self-care tasks or school activities, • behavior in social settings,

Please schedule a complimentary consultation.

If/when you move on to a comprehensive evaluation, Aya will compare your child’s sensory, motor, and functional abilities to those of other children their age. Results of the evaluation will help you make an informed decision on whether your child would benefit from OT.

What occupational therapy services does Koi Wellness offer?

Aya specializes in sensory processing, self-regulation, gross and fine motor development, self-care, and school functioning.

How long will it take to see results?

It varies. Each child has a different timeline, and different needs advance at different rates. However, Aya suggests completing 6 weeks of therapy before assessing progress.

Where does Koi Wellness provide service?

Primarily in your home. Aya believes that children and teens benefit most when therapy is conducted in their natural environment. She asks parents and caregivers to be present during therapy sessions so that they understand why certain techniques work and learn how to implement them between sessions.

If scheduling permits, Aya may consider seeing your child at school.

In what language(s) are services provided?

All services (written reports, consultations, and direct treatment) are provided in English. Aya can provide verbal consultations and mentorship in Japanese under special circumstances.

Do you charge for travel?

Koi Wellness does not charge for transportation costs within the Tokyo, Chiba, and Yokohama areas.

We started therapy with someone else. Can we transition to seeing you?

Absolutely. Contact Koi Wellness to begin the transfer of care. Typically, if enough information is provided and expectations are clearly communicated, treatment can pick up right where you left off.

What is your cancellation policy?

24 hours. If your child is sick the day of the appointment, please contact Aya as soon as possible, and no fee will be applied. If a session is cancelled with less than 24-hours’ notice without valid reason, we will charge 100% of the session.

If sessions are cancelled consecutively, we will reassess services moving forward.

*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the current cancellation policy is being expanded. We understand that you may experience unique disruptions in your life. Please notify Aya with as much advance notice as possible.

Where did the name “Koi Wellness” come from?

Koi fish are tenacious creatures! Energetic and persevering, they’re known for swimming against the current. They represent courage, love, and friendship; they are the symbol for Children’s Day in Japan.

Our clients often say facing their challenges felt like “swimming upstream.” Aya swims alongside her clients, helping them build endurance and giving them the tools and confidence that will help them succeed.