From Personal Experience to Professional Passion: Aya Porté’s Why

Welcome back to the Koi Wellness blog, your trusted resource for child development and empowerment. I'm Aya Porté, your occupational therapist (OT) who is passionate about nurturing children's potential and supporting cross-cultural families. 

In my first article, I discussed my decade-long experience as an occupational therapist, and the transformative power of a child-led approach. It’s been a decade of growth, learning, and countless inspiring moments. One of these heartfelt conversations with Lance on the Lance E. Lee Podcast in Tokyo inspired this article. I am excited to share this milestone with you, especially as I prepare for some more adventures over the next few days—rest assured, the Koi Wellness newsletter will continue to reach you without interruption.

Finding My Path: From Uncertainty to Passion

Before I found my calling as an OT, I was uncertain about my career path. I hopped around from one idea to another, following what seemed logical rather than what truly resonated with me. School was just something I did, not something I felt deeply invested in. After discovering occupational therapy, everything changed. I found myself tapping into a wellspring of internal motivation, I was driven by a genuine passion for helping others. This transformation has fueled my dedication to empowering others living in a globalized world with multicultural and cross-cultural children, teens, and their families.

Embracing a Child-Led Approach

As a core pillar of Koi Wellness, I employ a child-led approach, which allows children to take an active role in their therapy sessions. A child-led approach highlights empowering children to express their preferences, showcase their abilities, and reveal their interests. This insight allows me to tailor sessions that are both purposeful and effective, addressing the goals and needs that bring parents to seek OT in the first place. 

The Power of Empowerment

I firmly believe that a child should have intrinsic motivation to do anything. It's our responsibility as adults to meet children where they are, rather than expecting them to meet our high expectations. By tapping into a child's internal motivation, we can foster their growth and confidence more effectively. This process involves getting curious and digging deeper to understand their unique strengths and interests.

During my conversation on the podcast, I realized that my approach naturally aligns with the principles of occupational therapy (OT) and DIR/Floortime. When I discovered my passion for OT, charting a path forward became straightforward. The drive to accomplish my goals felt almost effortless, even in the face of challenges. I explored this epiphany more in-depth in the podcast, highlighting how understanding what I wanted to achieve made the journey both clear and rewarding.

A Moment of Reflection: Tanabata

Tanabata, the Star Festival in Japan, celebrated on July 7th, is a time for reflection and planning. This beautiful festival involves writing wishes on pieces of paper and hanging them on bamboo trees, hoping they come true. It’s a time of hope and aspiration, and I encourage you to partake in this tradition with your children. Reflect on your wishes for their journey and well-being, and let this ritual inspire you to support their dreams and potential with intentional action and support.

I've always enjoyed celebrating Tanabata because it always gave me the opportunity to reflect on the year thus far, celebrate my accomplishments and wins as well as reflect on my losses or things that didn't go as planned. This moment of reflection allows for space to then create another action plan to carry me through the rest of the year. I hope this inspires you to celebrate a version of Tanabata that makes sense for you and your family!

Coming Up: Join Me in September and October

Looking ahead, I am thrilled to announce that I will be teaching two courses in Japanese this September and October. These courses are designed to deepen your understanding of DIR and promote functional emotional developmental capacities in children. If you are interested, I invite you to join me and further empower your practice and approach. The courses will be an Introduction to DIR and Promoting Basic Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities.

Would you like to learn more? Contact me here for early bird information.

Conclusion: The Podcast

It was an honor being featured on the Lance E. Lee Podcast. In this hour-long episode titled "Occupational Therapy Expert: The Inspiring Journey of Aya Porté," I discussed my personal and professional journey, sharing insights and experiences that have shaped my approach to occupational therapy. I encourage you to listen to this episode to gain a deeper understanding of my philosophy and the passion that drives my work. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

Growing Together: OT's Journey with Aya Porté, Koi Wellness. Occupational Therapy to empower multicultural and third culture families in Tokyo, Japan and beyond. Working with an OT who understands and inspires. From surviving to thriving.

If you want to learn more about how I can support you and your child, you can schedule a call here and connect with me on LinkedIn, ​Instagram​, andFacebook. Together, let's empower our children to become confident, resilient, and capable individuals.

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