Posts tagged Podcast
Flashback to 2020: Podcast Highlights, OT Insights, and Cross-Cultural Support

Over the past four years, I’ve continued my work as a bilingual OT, serving cross-cultural and multicultural communities in Tokyo and beyond. The need for heart-centered care has only grown in recent years. Our communities need care from those who have lived through similar experiences and can be empathetic without pity, focusing on empowerment and building capacity for growth.

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From Personal Experience to Professional Passion: Aya Porté’s Why

Before I found my calling as an OT, I was uncertain about my career path. I hopped around from one idea to another, following what seemed logical rather than what truly resonated with me. School was just something I did, not something I felt deeply invested in. I firmly believe that a child should have intrinsic motivation to do anything. It's our responsibility as adults to meet children where they are, rather than expecting them to meet our high expectations.

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