Cracking the Code: Navigating the Acronyms

In the labyrinth of pediatric healthcare, acronyms like OT, PT, ST, and more can feel like an impenetrable code. If you find yourself feeling confused and overwhelmed trying to navigate the information on your child’s development from the internet, pediatricians, and classroom teachers, you’re in the right place.

Welcome to the Koi Wellness blog, your trusted resource for child development and empowerment. I'm Aya Porté, your occupational therapist (OT) with a passion for nurturing children's potential and supporting their families. 

Join me on this journey as we unlock your child's unique strengths and foster their growth. Today, we’ll navigate the acronyms to support you as you find the perfect provider for your child.

Unlocking Jargon Beyond the Abbreviations

It's a daunting task to discern which professional is best suited to meet your child's needs. Before diving into the depths of decision-making, let's first acquaint ourselves with this 'alphabet gang,' a collective of licensed healthcare professionals dedicated to supporting children's growth and well-being:

The ‘Alphabet Gang:’ Licensed Healthcare Professionals

Occupational Therapist (OT): Picture a superhero dedicated to unlocking your child's potential. That's an occupational therapist! From fine motor skills to social-emotional development, OTs empower children to thrive in their daily activities.

Physical Therapist (PT): Meet the movement maestro! Pediatric physical therapists specialize in improving your child's mobility, strength, and coordination, helping them conquer physical challenges with confidence.

Speech Therapist (ST): Enter the communication champion! Speech therapists work wonders with children facing speech and language delays, ensuring they find their voice and express themselves with clarity and confidence.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC): These compassionate guides navigate the emotional landscape, supporting children through life's ups and downs with empathy and expertise.

*It’s important to know that an individual can have their Master’s in Social Work, but not have the additional training and licensure to provide mental health counseling and support. 

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD): Here comes the mind magician! Pediatric psychologists unravel the mysteries of the mind, offering insights and interventions to nurture your child's psychological well-being.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Meet the intellectual explorer! PhDs delve deep into their chosen field, meticulously researching, analyzing, and innovating to expand humanity's understanding and push the boundaries of knowledge.

Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA): Behold the behavior wizard! BCBA professionals develop personalized strategies to help children overcome behavioral challenges and reach their full potential.

Notice something strikingly similar among all these descriptions? There is a significant overlap among all professions. Each of these fields shares a core objective: To foster a child's healthy development and well-being. This inherent intersection across disciplines is logical when viewed from a holistic perspective.

Understanding the Overlap

No child struggles in isolation—challenges in one area of development often impact others. For instance, a child with speech delays (a primary concern for ST) might also struggle with social participation, which is an area where an OT and LCSW, LMHC can also offer support. Similarly, a child facing physical limitations (a focus for PTs) may experience barriers in engaging fully in play or school activities, scenarios where OT interventions would be beneficial.

Armed with this knowledge, where do you begin your quest to find the ideal provider for your child?

7 Green Flags for Choosing Your Child's Champion(s)

Every child is unique and the unfortunate reality is, not all therapists and healthcare providers are equal. Cut through the clutter of Google searches with these green flags for selecting the right professional for you:

  1. Identify Your Top 3 Concerns: Take stock of your child's challenges and prioritize your concerns. Understanding their needs is the first step toward finding the right therapist.

  2. Qualifications and Credentials: Look for therapists with the right qualifications and credentials. Licensed professionals with specialized training are your child's best allies.

  3. Experience: Seek therapists with a proven track record in pediatrics. Experience matters, especially when it comes to understanding and addressing your child's unique needs.

  4. Holistic Approach: Choose a therapist who sees the big picture. A holistic approach considers not just your child's symptoms but their overall development, interests, and goals.

  5. Collaborative Approach: Opt for a therapist who values teamwork. Collaboration with parents, caregivers, and other professionals ensures a comprehensive and coordinated approach to your child's care. This is a core foundation of my practice using DIR/Floortime approach.

  6. Child-Centered Approach: Prioritize therapists who put your child first. Activities should be tailored to your child's preferences, strengths, and interests, making therapy sessions engaging and meaningful.

  7. Availability for a Free Initial Consultation Call: Take advantage of free consultation calls to get to know potential therapists. This is your chance to ask questions, share concerns, and ensure compatibility before committing to therapy. You can schedule a call with me here.


Armed with these insights, you're ready to embark on your quest to find the perfect therapist for your child. Remember, you're not alone on this journey. With the right therapist, your child can unlock their full potential and soar to new heights of success and happiness.

If you want to learn more about how I can support you and your child, you can schedule a call here and connect with me on LinkedIn, ​Instagram​, and ​Facebook. Let's continue to positively impact the lives of our children and families together.